
il re del bosco
This website purports to disclose and divulge my article regarding the Theatre of the Sanctuary in Nemi.

I do wish to take this opportunity to offer some of the other writings I have produced so far. As a sign of pure entertainment and pleasure, I have also added a peculiar and an almost absurd section dedicate to a few oddities which have been singled out in and around the city of Rome (along with pictures and comments).

The image in Turner’s painting which contains a man on a Vespa, conceived and developed by myself was actually graphically achieved and arranged by Ferdinand Ciampa, using a picture of myself which was taken by Francesca Grubissich.

A brief Curriculum

Born in Rome in 1958, Roberto Varese has been collaborating with various newspapers writing articles and enquiries. Moreover, he is the author of poems and stories published in literary magazines and periodicals. He wrote two books: La piccola dea e Il re del bosco